Monday, May 7, 2007

Yahoo Pipes and Celebrity Gossip

Thank you for providing me the opportunity to try Yahoo Pipes. So I followed the tutorial and set up my own Celebrity Gossip pipe. I then went into my Blogline and set it up to start receiving the juicy gossip. It was pretty easy to set up and now I'm interested in setting up some other content - other than RSS feeds. Not sure what yet, but I'm sure an awesome idea will come to me in the middle of the night.

I haven't commented on anyone else's blog yet. I guess for some reason I find the idea to be somewhat unsettling. Not sure why I haven't made the leap yet. I've written on my own blogs and I've read other people's blogs but I guess actually posting on someone elses makes me feel like I'm treading on their private property. Though, truth be told, I have posted comments when the subject is tied to work. I guess since it generally has nothing to do with their intimate thoughts it somehow makes it okay.

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