Sunday, May 6, 2007

Grokker vs. Google: The Family Vacation Challenge

So in this lesson we were asked to do a couple of things. One of them was to use Grokker. I have been on the ultimate family vacation quest for the past year or so. Traveling with two small children means a lot of stops on the way. Since I have a vacation planned for next month, I have once again started looking for things to do when driving to North Carolina. So I took this opportunity to allow Grokker to help me do what Google has failed to do; help me find something to do with small children in Georgia.

So I began my Grokker search using those familiar vacation terms "Savannah Georgia Family Vacation." In the outline view I quickly found the term I was looking for, "Family Fun" and there were nine entries. I found some pretty good info there, and I found the delivery format to be interesting. It took me a little bit to orient myself to how this info was displayed but I caught on pretty quickly. I really liked the "drilled down" approach. It made me feel that I was in charge of the information and it allowed me to filter down to exactly what I wanted.

As for my learning style I do best as a "do-er." I have to do it to learn it. So usually if I need to create something online, I'll find some code and start picking it apart. Or I'll find a tutorial and start building. I also picked up somewhere along the way that you learn something faster if you write it down three times. I tend to write everything down. It's like I absorb the information deeper when I think it, then write it. I actually had a professor yell at me once (in class) for writing too many notes. This has baffled me to date, but I guess he had a different learning style than me.

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Hey Sassafrass,

Welcome to the course, I loved your posts! Shame on your profesor for yelling at you, he missed your need for visual learning cues. If you find yourself making lists, notes, drawing diagrams etc, those are good indicators that you are a visual learner.
