Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Virtual Motivators? How Motivating!

I started poking around at some of the sites listed and immediately fell in love with Trainco. Truth be told right now I'm on a little diet. Trying to lose that vacation weight. So, I started my account and posted my daily calorie counts and work out info. Yep, it was that easy! And you know what? I feel surprisingly motivated. I'll admit I was starting to feel the fade on the old calorie count but now I feel refreshed and recharged.

I did not go into catster or dogster because I've been there before, but at one time there was a site called enemyster - not sure if it's still up and running. Not sure how many people would sign up to be your enemy - and if you have that many enemies then you probably wouldn't want to tell the world - or would you?

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